will it blend?

Publié le par tiblog

The launch of the iPad is, of course, a new occasion for the blender's brand Blendtec to communicate!

How to differentiate your brand on a non-sexy market such as the blender's market? Well, Blendtec found a solution...


The brand became quite famous a few months ago with its "will it blend my iPhone?" video.
Seen as a perfect illustration of the power and quality of its blender, the brand does not hesitate to blend cool buzzing such such as Apple's products.

The strategy is clear: Demonstrate the strength and quality of its blender in a totally different way using humour as a key element and hijack famous products creating huge buzz. (see the many examples on their website here)

Once again, Blendtec uses a brand new iPad to demonstrate its strategy.

Finding new ways to differentiate is always a smart move. However how should we react to this? Do you think it is funny and smart so you might think about buying one of those? or do you think this is just a stupid example given to jackass kids about wasting money? the "don't do this to your iPad" subtitle does not feel very convincing...

Personally, as a marketer I find it good as the brand became pretty famous (and it made my laugh!) but as a consumer I don't really like it.


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