pepsi refresh everything campaign

Publié le par tiblog

In a previous post, we talked about Pepsi and its decision not to go on air during the Superbowl finale on Sunday night.

To pull ahead of Coca-Cola, Pepsi started its new campaign about “refresh everything projects” this week.

Made by TBWA\Chiat\Day, the new TVC is already on air.

I love this engaging spot, very well executed, and the Black Eye Peas song is great!


Then, the campaign is taken over from a few famous actors such as Kevin Bacon and Demi Moore, encouraging us to go online and vote for a specific project for Pepsi to fund.


Kevin Bacon

Demi Moore

online project selection:


The campaign is already visible in print.....



and in Time Square, NYC


I think this is a great engaging people. Pepsi cares but does not only mention it, the brand proves it  with tangible acts.

More info at


And don’t forget the Superbowl show this Sunday night as it will be broadcasted in almost every countries!

Publié dans advertising

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