Publié le par thibaud

morninglory is a new daily video newsletter dealing about economic and financial news. What's new here, is the humouristic and non-conventional tone they use to communicate real news. The least we can say is that is has nothing to do with already existing boring financial news!

here is the webiste (and yes ! it is in French!)

as an overview, here is the video of December 23nd

with broadband internet access, the number of similar websites (no matter the topics) are litteraly exploding. Will it change our way to get informed? I mean, in a near future, will we have every morning in our mailboxes some individual video newsletters about any subject we are interested in? or will we continue to watch our traditional and well-known generic media on TV or internet?

The only obstacle I can see to that kind of initiative (especially to the humouristic feel of this one!) is the lack of legitimacy and confidence of the audience. Our old traditional media should focus on that maybe!

Publié dans trends & technology

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