Madrid' s Gran Via turns 100 with Citroën

Publié le par tiblog

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Madrid's famous street "Gran Via", Citroën organized a huge Karaoke in the street.

To be very honest I am not a big fan of this type of event: people just come because they get free merchandising items and have an opportunity to win a bigger prize or so but it does not guarantee in any case that they like the brands or its products.

But I must confess I found the Citroën event amazing! very well organized as people selected the songs (related to the street and its history) on the internet before the vent, thanks to a good social activation.


Called "karaoC3", the event brought together more than 1000 people on Callao's place on Gran Via, becoming the biggest karaoke in Spain. When you look at the joy and enthusiasm of people singing you have to admit it is a big success.

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